As the world celebrates International Women's Day on March 8, we invite sisters in every city, village, community and home where a disciple of Christ lives to join in "Press for Progress 2018." Our desire is to inspire women globally to grow spiritually, connect and advance the gospel.
Prepare for progress - March 7th will be our day of prayer and fasting. Ask God to direct you in his steps for the next day.
Press for progress - March 8th is our day of acting on what God's Spirit has put on your heart.
Some ideas to consider:
On Wednesday, have a women's midweek to break the fast together. Share your plans for March 8th.
Host a girl's night out at your home. Start with a prayer for women's needs through out the world. Invite neighbors to bring an item that will be given to women and children at a women's shelter.
Host a women's brunch. Invite speakers/guests to share what God has done in their lives to be a confident and spiritually/emotionally healthy woman.
Start a Bible discussion group at your school, office, or workout facility.
Click here to sign up for updates and watch the invitational video below: