"Taking Care of the Child Within" - Women's Retreat in Acapulco Featured

Written by  Luz Angela Carranza Moreno -- Sunnyvale, CA, USA Sunday, 29 October 2017 20:49

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."  -- 1 Corinthians 2:9

womens retreat acapulco

Heavenly Acapulco was the chosen place where, on October 13,2017, almost 400 hundred sisters from Mexico, Paraguay and the USA met for a women's weekend retreat titled "Taking Care of the Child Within." Olivia Hudson from the Northern Virginia Church of Christ and Julieta Jimenez from the Acapulco Church of Christ, had the dream of planning a Latin American women's conference. Thanks to social media and a Facebook group called "Tears of Joy" that Olivia set up two years ago, their vision spread fast.

Seventeen disciples in Acapulco and sisters from churches throughout Mexico joined efforts and contributed to make this dream come true. After many financial sacrifices, fasting and prayer for more than a year, and let's not forget the recent earthquke that took place in Mexico City, the day came to enjoy a spiritual banquet. However, what they didn't know was that God had prepared an amazing time far beyond anything they could imagine!

olivia julietaThe main speaker, Olivia Hudson, was born in Panama and moved to the USA more than 20 years ago where she married Cory Hudson. They have been married for 25 years, and became disciples in 1995 in the San Diego Church. They have five children.

In Olivia's word, God made it clear in 2014 that he wanted her to practice 2 Corinthians 1:4 not only in her town where she is an active member of the Northern Virginia Church of Christ, but around the world. She has traveled to encourage sisters in Central & South America and Mexico. The last three years she's been spending time in the churches in Honduras, Mexico, Belize, Panama, San Salvador, Peru and some cities in the USA encouraging the sisters to follow Jesus' example doing what is right. Rather she is speaking or just traveling to bring the books she has published, the goal has been the same...build her sisters up in the Lord.

She always had a dream of publishing a book, however it wasn't until a few sisters who knew her life encouraged her to put her dream into action, that she found the courage to ask some of her close friends and sisters in Christ to join her in writing a book. She publish her first book From Lemons to Lemonade: Faith-building Stories from Real Women on February 6, 2015 in English and Spanish, followed swiftly by a second one called Caring for the Child Within: My journey of emotional healing published May 16, 2015. It was her second book that inspired Julieta to plan such an unforgatable event.

During that weekend in Acapulco, God was glorified as he led Olivia to inspire the women through lessons and active participation of everyone present, to go from being victims to being victorious, by accepting the truth of their childhood experiences, capturing and submitting their thoughts to God and living fully Jesus' promise of freedom.

womens retreat acapulco hugSaturday and Sunday, before the sun came out, the beach was full of women praying by groups waiting for the dawn. Later they joined together for the lessons and worshiping time led by an astounding group of sisters from all over Mexico who came together to create an all woman band. There was great fellowship, deep talks, delicious Mexican food and Mariachi music until late night.

There was great feedback after the event was over, but one of the most impactful comments was, "it didn't matter if you were single, married, college student, divorced, widow, housewife, professional or an evangelist wife. To join, you just had to be a woman who loves God and desires to please him and not live in bondage by Satan's lies. That made it amazing."

It was really a time where Romans 15:5-6 came to life: "May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Amen!

For more photos on this amazing weekend, visit the Facebook page here.

Read 4189 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 October 2017 22:45