Dear Lydia

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 11:01

Dear Lydia: Response to "Mother in Need"

Dear Readers,

The following letter to Dear Lydia is a response to a letter published in April 2009.

Dear Lydia,

My son was diagnosed with autism two years ago. Over the past two years I have cried many tears.

My son is now four and a half years old and we have come to understand him much better than we did two years ago. We also have hope for him, and although we do not know what quality of life he will be able to have we believe that he will be a gentle, loving person.

Thursday, 06 December 2012 05:29

Dear Lydia: Grieving through the holidays

Dear Lydia,

I am a 45 year old single woman. I have been a disciple for 18 years and normally I am very happy and active in many activities in the church as well as in the community. This has been a hard year for me because my mother died in April and I have had some financial setbacks and health problems.

I am disappointed with myself because I am just not in a holiday mood this year.

Thursday, 19 July 2012 03:49

Dear Lydia: Submission and a Financially Irresponsible Husband

Dear Lydia,

My name is Sue and I have been a disciple since August 1998. I have been married since 1993, but my husband is not a disciple. Since I was baptized, I have struggled with submission to my husband. I go from one extreme to the other. I will explain: I am the main money provider for our family. Before I became a disciple I was managing our finances. After I was baptized I tried to share everything with my husband and it was difficult for him to understand the contribution I was making to the church.

Friday, 06 April 2012 23:07

Dear Lydia: Response to "Living with a Non-Christian Husband"

Hi Readers,

The following is a response to the letter from a new Christian with a non-member husband. It is from the perspective of a sister who has been married to a non-member for over 20 years. This voice of experience is such a helpful thing to share! (Titus 2:3-5)

Thanks, Sister.


Friday, 20 January 2012 07:18 Written by

Dear Lydia: Outshined as a Witness

Dear Lydia,

I recently moved to the south (USA) where many people profess to be Christians. I joined a club to have an opportunity to meet people and share my faith. There is a woman in the club who is very outgoing and often says religious type things for everyone to hear, such as, "praise the Lord for that blessing," or "God is trying to tell you something."

Friday, 25 March 2011 02:12 Written by

Dear Lydia: Living with a Non-Christian Husband

Dear Lydia,

I was baptized in October of 2010. The best day of my life. I am joyful and positive in spirit and even though my husband has agreed to "be a friend" to the church, he won't even consider studying the Bible.

Saturday, 14 August 2010 16:00 Written by

Dear Lydia: After Adultery

I would like to share a letter I received from a dear friend regarding decisions she made about her life after finding out her husband was unfaithful to her several times in their marriage of over 30 years. The letter is heart rending and poignant but most of all it reveals a woman totally committed to God, his word and faith.

Monday, 10 May 2010 22:00 Written by

Woman of Ignoble Character (Rerun)

Dear Readers:

I have been requested to rerun this opposite view of the woman of ignoble character. It challenged me when I wrote one day in my study time. Hope it gives you some insight.

Thursday, 15 April 2010 15:00 Written by

Dear Lydia: Financial Situation

Dear "Lydia",


I enjoy reading your advice, now I am writing because I need some.


My husband and I are friends with another Christian couple. They are having some financial difficulty and have been for some time: Things are usually 'tight' with them. The husband is now contemplating a part-time job to supplement their income. I really feel for them and I want to be able to help them when we speak and their finances come up.

Friday, 26 March 2010 06:31 Written by

Dear Lydia: What happened to serving?

Dear Lydia,

I was married recently and moved to a part of my church that is very far from where I used to live. A dear friend of mine recently had surgery and I thought she was getting her needs met as far as food, help with the house, etc. She is a very serving person and it never crossed my mind that her needs would not be taken care of since she has served others so often.

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