After consulting several ICOC church leaders, HOPEww arranged for projects for volunteers to serve with Habitat for Humanity and other major charities hroughout July. Thanks to Oklahoma Christian University, volunteers will be housed in a campus dorm. Frank Dowd, Youth & family minister for the Greater Houston Church, is serving as the Director of Volunteer Training and Coordination. Frank served heroically in this capacity with Hurricane Katrina response. Antonio Boyd, Vice President of HOPE worldwide Community Services, expressed gratitude for the church leaders, Oklahoma Christian University and Disciples Today and ICOC Hot News for their help and support.
Now is the time for you to help! See below for the details and how you can participate. We need people from around the nation and beyond.
For those who cannot go, please click here to donate to the HOPEww Disaster Relief Fund.
WHO? Volunteers 18 and over.
WHERE? Oklahoma City metropolitan area. Housing courtesy of Oklahoma Christian University
WHEN? Mondays to Fridays between July 8 - 26
WHAT? Building houses with Habitat for Humanity for those not covered by insurance and/or warehousing and debris removal with other major charities.
HOW? Provide your own transportation. OCU and HOPEww will provide meals. HOPEww provides project coordination and supervision.
CONTACT: Neffertina German, HOPEww Disaster Case Management Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click here to see the opportunities to serve in a paid position with the HOPE worldwide Disaster Corps.