Top 10 Signs of Emotional Wellness

Wednesday, 24 March 2010 08:00

Do you – or the people you love – struggle with worry, anxiety, fear, bitter resentment, discouragement, or depression? Do you wish you understood the Bible’s plan for meeting mental health as well as spiritual needs? Do you wonder how to define “normal”, let alone what it means to really flourish or experience the fulfillment Jesus spoke of in John 10:10? Do you recognize the signs that suggest it’s time to recommend professional mental health treatment?

Throughout the International Churches of Christ, faithful disciples are asking how to “rejoice always” (Philippians 4:4) and “let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts” (Colossians 3:15.) More and more, ministry leaders are returning to school for advanced degrees in counseling and psychology. Conference programs include workshops about topics like marriage counseling, recovery from grief and loss, parenting, and ministering to those with biochemical disorders.

I fully believe that God wills us to experience amazing, productive, wonderful lives, a conviction not based on some blindly optimistic, “Pollyanna” perspective, but on Scripture! Consider how the Amplified version renders the last line of Paul’s prayer for the strength of God’s people:

[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! Ephesians 3:19

Paul prays here for the body of Christ, but also for each of us, Jesus’ disciples. So the question is, “are you ‘wholly filled and flooded with God Himself’”? Unfortunately, very few of us can boast of having achieved this (enviable) state – at least on a consistent basis! I sometimes experience days of incredible joy, a oneness feeling with God, along with an awareness of his working through me. But then “something” happens (usually my own sin), and I revert to vacillating between periods of anxiety, discouragement, and the relief of knowing that eventually “this too will pass” if I pray, search the Bible for answers, and get vulnerable with Christian friends and family members. The good news, for me, is that the times of great serenity and joy are becoming more frequent. How does this happen?

Throughout my early life, people would remark that my name suited me, but in the 1960’s I realized that the smile I wore masked my true feelings. So I began to pray for the experience – and expertise – to match my facial expression. Becoming a psychologist in the 80’s, I continued to be more fascinated by wellness than by illness, and longed to find the spiritual keys that would overshadow any psychological treatment. Finally, after “wandering in my desert” for 40 years, God answered (and fulfilled my lifelong dream!) when Discover Joy – Well-being God’s Way was published last year by DPI. Of course, God is always more impressed by heart than by head knowledge, so he was also working on my character, transforming me little by little as I wrote the book.

What can you learn from this? In his famous speech, Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.” Maybe you’ve been praying for the spiritual power to overcome anxiety or discouragement. Never give up! Maybe you’ve continued to pray for an inspirational marriage, despite suspecting at times that you may have married the wrong person. Never give up! Maybe you’ve prayed for a miracle that encourages your teen to study the Bible. Never give up! Maybe you’ve even been praying for wisdom and help to meet the emotional needs of the disciples in your church. Never give up! (And keep reading to find out how God will soon begin to answer that prayer!)

Now you may be thinking that you wouldn’t recognize “emotional wellness” if you saw it! So I’ll conclude with …

Top 10 Signs of Emotional Wellness, God’s Way

1. A deep sense of personal worth based on being God’s child (Matthew 10:30-31)
2. A “family feeling” of being understood and loved by other disciples (1 Peter 1:22)
3. Excitement about being used by God for meaningful work (Acts 20:24)
4. God-reliant (2 Corinthians 1:8-9) (Note: Self-reliance is often considered a hallmark of mental health – but as disciples we rely on God, who empowers us to do “immeasurably more.”)
5. God-confident (Romans 5:2, NLT) (Note: Like self-reliance, self-confidence is viewed as a sign of mental health, but the disciple is confident because of his faith that God is good to his promises.)
6. Continually growing gratitude for all that God is and does (1 Corinthians 15:57)
7. Humility in relationships as a result of seeing his or her own spiritual need (Matthew 5:3)
8. Passionate in prayer and the Word (John 16:24, Psalm 1:1-2)
9. Eagerly meets physical and spiritual needs, including helping others become Christians (1 John 3:18)
10. Joyfully sacrifices his or her own interests and comfort for others and the message (Philippians 3:10).

Beginning in early April, Joy will conduct a series of “Emotional Wellness Webinars” (online seminars). Topics include tips for personal emotional well-being, improving family relationships, nurturing your child’s emotional growth, having a healthier marriage, and helping emotionally-challenged disciples – all from a discipleship perspective. For information and webinar schedule, e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Click here to purchase her book: Discover Joy, Well Being God's Way

Read 4873 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 March 2010 18:55