Hope for Kids Summer 2018 Programs

Written by  HOPE for Kids Sunday, 17 December 2017 18:58

This summer Hope for Kids will be once again hosting three spectacular international programs. Leadership Academy, Performing Arts Camp + Sports Camp, and Special Week of Camp!

swoc 2Below you can find out more about each program and watch a video for each as well. We're excited for summer 2018 and believe it will be our best yet. We want you to be a part of it!

HFK Leadership Academy (HFKLA)

The Hope for Kids Leadership Academy (HFKLA) is a five week intensive program where older teens & campus students learn to be more like Jesus as they receive invaluable leadership training while serving at Camp Hope for Kids . During the five weeks they participate in radical evangelism, leading bible discussions and bible studies on local campuses, attend a Ministry Training Academy, mentor an at-risk youth and counsel and/or crew for at least one week of camp. HFKLA is a spiritually focused program. There will be times of prayer, bible based devotionals, daily lessons and discipleship groups. Participants attend worship services with members of the local Church of Christ.

Applicant Qualifications: Must be at least 16 years old (by June 1, 2018), must get a favorable recommendation from their local ministry leader and be committed to their local campus ministry, teen ministry and/or congregation to be accepted. Maximum age is 24.

HFKLA TRACKS for 2018:

  • Track 1: June 2 - July 5
  • Track 2: July 9 - August 11

Watch video about HFKLA here:

2018 Sports & Performing Arts Camp

Performing Arts Camp

The Performing Arts Camp (PAC) was created for those students in 7th-12th grades who wish to use their talents to serve God. The instructors at the PAC week are disciples "in the business" who teach the students how God can use their talents to glorify him. PAC offers seven different tracks including: Acting, Dance, Musical Theater, Film/Television, Screenwriting, Songwriting & Recording, and a new track, Fine Arts & Photography.

Watch video about PAC here:

Sports Camp

This year there will be a week of Sports Conditioning that will run as a separate track during the same week at the Performing Arts Camp week July 8-14, 2018. This camp is for 7th-12th graders.

Sports & Performing Arts Camp dates for 2018: July 8 - 14

Special Week of Camp (SWOC)

The Special Week of Camp is a five day camp designed especially for the families of campers, ages 8-21, who may have social challenges and/or special needs.We provide a fun filled week of camp for kids with a variety of diagnoses which include physical, neurological, sensory and cognitive disabilities. The entire family comes to this week of camp which is designed to meet the needs of the parents and siblings as well as the exceptional campers. Mentors volunteer to help with the campers during the day while the parents enjoy classes, devotionals and times of fun fellowship with other parents. The mission of SWOC is to offer a safe and enjoyable environment for children who need specialized supports for summer camp activities.The cost for a SWOC Camper is $395 (includes the $50 deposit) and $50 per family member who attends with the Camper.

SWOC dates for 2018: July 10 - July 14

Watch video about SWOC here:

For more information about all Hope for Kids summer programs, visit hopeforkids.org or our Facebook page here

Read 3344 times Last modified on Sunday, 17 December 2017 22:28