Missions News

by Monday, 30 November 2015 11:57

From Africa, With Thanks

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'"-- Acts 20:35.

My beautiful wife, Deysi, and I had the pleasure of visiting three of our Southern African churches at the end of October 2015. We traveled to South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. It was an exhausting but fulfilling trip. We were able to inspire these churches and were inspired ourselves. It was a mutual edification.

by Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:29

Indonesia: The Power of a Praying Sister

Frans is the brother of a married sister in Central Jakarta named Lince. Lince’s husband, Edi, called Jhon, a disciple in the church, and asked Jhon to help his brother-in-law. Edi knew Jhon’s background so he felt that Jhon could relate to Frans.

by Wednesday, 18 November 2015 11:09

Kansas City Church of Christ Celebrates 30th Anniversary

The Kansas City Church of Christ began in 1985 with a handful of disciples with a dream of being and building Jesus’ church according to the Scriptures. Since that time we have grown to an attendance of more than 350 every Sunday. We have sent out many of our members to start or strengthen sister congregations throughout the United States and abroad.

Here is an inspiring video looking back on their last 30 years!

by Monday, 02 November 2015 10:55

Miracles in Munich

Do you ever wonder if decisions you make can really make a difference today, or in generations to come?

Prayer for the new elders and the Munich church  with some of the European elders.

God’s glory was evident throughout the church in Munich, Germany, on Sunday, October 25, as Stephan Kallus and Steve Krater were appointed elders. My heart was stirred as I heard of how this was possible through God’s honoring a woman’s faith decades ago in a very different Germany.

by Saturday, 31 October 2015 11:19

Two Sisters Added to Hong Kong's International Ministry

We are happy to share the news of two sisters baptized October 18 at Stanley Beach. We are encouraged to witness our disciples with a ‘set apart’ example, having an impact in their homes and sharing the gospel with their helpers. Jesus is being effectively preached whether at home, at school, at work or on the streets of our daily life.

by Monday, 19 October 2015 11:33

Tom & Carma Kuhn to Lead Next Florida Church Planting

The Orlando Church of Christ is excited to announce the selection of Tom and Carma Kuhn to lead the next church planting in Brevard County.

by Friday, 16 October 2015 12:25

Lagos Church to Launch School of Missions

In Matthew 28:19, our Lord Jesus commands that we go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching the new disciples, obedience to all his teachings.

As many of our churches in Africa enter their third decade of planting and many pioneer missionaries and leaders gracefully age, it becomes most apparent that a new and younger breed of trained leaders emerge to consolidate and take the mission to new and even greater heights.

by Sunday, 11 October 2015 16:30

Northern Virginia Church Welcomes New Youth & Family Leaders

Welcome to our new youth and family ministry leaders, Stephen and Roxanne Little! We are delighted to have this couple, newly arrived to serve our teens and their families at the Northern Virginia Church of Christ. Their goal is to help each young person along their spiritual journey of faith. We know they will be giving their hearts here and we want to make their ministry a joy!

by Tuesday, 29 September 2015 19:26

Our Northernmost Church Holds First Service in Fairbanks, Alaska!

The northernmost church in our fellowship—The Great Land Christian Church: Fairbanks—had its inaugural service Sunday, September 20th, 2015, on the campus of the University of Alaska.

by Friday, 25 September 2015 10:05

Teen and Campus Baptisms in Hong Kong

Here are two stories of recent baptisms in the Hong Kong Church of Christ: