Missions News
Baptism: Asaba, Nigeria Celebrates Latest Addition
It was a day of joy on May 16, 2016 as the Asaba church celebrated the baptism of Vincent Ugochukwu Ezeli.
We continue to give God all the glory in Asaba and continue to pray for more souls to be added to God’s Kingdom. Amen.
New Evangelist Appointed in Sierra Leone
The church in Sierra Leone witnessed the ordination ceremony of evangelist Dwight S. Koroma on Sunday, May 8, 2016. The ceremony was conducted by evangelist John F. Cawray from Lagos, Nigeria.
Baptized in June 1997, Koroma has been in full time ministry since 2002. He is married to Mrs. Fatu Koroma and the Lord has blessed them with two girls and a boy. He led the church in Sierra Leone from 2002 to 2005. Evangelist Cawray and wife took over in 2005. In 2010, Cawray and wife left to lead the Ogba-Agege region in Lagos, Nigeria. Since then, Koroma has been leading the church in Sierra Leone with his wife.
Here Am I, Send Me!
A few days ago I listened to all 66 chapters of Isaiah in my Zondervan Audio Bible – in one day. It was thrilling. As I was listening to the inspirational chapter six, the reader surprised me with his interpretation of verse eight: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I, send me!'"
Of course, we’ve all heard many sermons on this verse. But this reader made it come alive. He read it like, “Here am I send ME!!!!!” It made me think of a group of 10-year-olds wanting to be picked to be on the baseball team with the bigger kids: “Pick ME! Pick ME!” they cry. It thrilled me so much that I stopped in my prayer walk and turned off the audio on my phone program and just marveled at this wonderful attitude. Don’t you wish that all of us would be standing in front of the Lord of the universe, waving our hands wildly, and screaming at the top of our voices, “Pick ME! Pick ME!”? What a wonderful thought.
A Light to the Nations: The New England School of Missions
Every other Tuesday morning, three dozen faithful disciples converge upon an unassuming church building in Framingham, Massachusetts. Whether they come from Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, or Massachusetts, they all come for the same reason—to change the world.
A New Hope to His Family
Twenty years ago, Kenneth worked with Donald, a member of the Hong Kong Church of Christ, at a surveyor’s firm. Kenneth lived a life sharing many habits with men in the construction industry, including regular gambling and the occasional profanity.
In 2012, Kenneth’s wife, Ching, was baptized into Christ. Seeing that the church could serve as an effective moral compass for his daughter, Kenneth began attending church services, much to Donald’s surprise and delight. Donald, eager to tell his former colleague about God, initiated to study the Bible with Kenneth, but Kenneth only had a lukewarm passion for God.
For four years, Kenneth never fully committed to his church life. Not uncommonly would Kenneth’s discrete attendance to church be followed by another to a jockey club betting center in the afternoon.
Space Coast Church Lifts Off
A few weeks ago, we reported to Disciples Today that the Space Coast Church was planning their inaugural service on February 28. We are happy to add that the service was a huge success and marks the beginning of a new spiritual era for the Brevard County Florida/Space Coast area.
Metro Manila Christian Church 2015 Year Review
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Mabuhay! On behalf of the Philippine Family of Churches and the Metro Manila Christian Church, we would like to share to you what God has been doing in his Church in the Philippines. Check out our 2015 year-end video.
Update from South Pacific and Australia Churches
Over the last three years God has blessed the South Pacific and Australia (SPA) Region in so many ways. At the end of 2012, our region numbered 750 disciples. After three years, thankfully, we are now at 1,002 members at the close of 2015.
Caribbean Missions Update - Grenada Report 2015
For the disciples in Grenada, 2015 was the most difficult since our re-launch, but it may have been our most spiritually productive year! At the beginning of the new year we were filled with excitement. We were aware that although we might face challenges, we were focused on the joy and anticipation of learning new lessons, conquering weaknesses or overcoming trials.
As a mission team, we prayed together for God to do glorious things in this group of believers -- and yet none of us anticipated the change that God had in mind. Yes, the year 2015 brought much change to the St. George’s International Church of Christ.
Saved to Serve
Have you ever had a dream dashed only to find that God gives you a bigger one?
During the 1980s God was blessing the Boston Church of Christ with thousands of new Christians and he was sending hundreds on 30 mission teams to plant churches in major cities in the US and around the world. Chris and Ann Efstathion captured a dream for the mission field during that time and are now living it out, albeit in a way that they would have never imagined.