New Release - Overcome: A story of intervention, rescue, and redemption Featured

Sunday, 25 March 2018 09:26

overcome bookcoverThis week the book Overcome: A Story of Intervention, Rescue, and Redemption; Our Cancer Survivorship Journey was released. Authored by Glen and Debbie Kirkpatrick, disciples in the San Diego Church of Christ, Overcome is an incredible story of repeated crushing news, events answered with despair then courage, perseverance, sacrifice, faith, hope, but mostly love.

Overcome illustrates the personal anguish of cancer diagnosis, treatments, and unexpected effects of treatments that can occur later in life – something not often talked or written about. The Kirkpatricks also shows what family members and caregivers might experience during these challenges.

Overcome demonstrates that living with chronic illness is a physical, psychological and spiritual battle. God showed Glen that concentrating on his identity in Christ was key (Romans 8:1) to his faith. Embracing his sonship (Romans 8:14-17) made all the difference in his spirit and daily life.

Overcome beautifully captures the rollercoaster of emotions, the trials and challenges the Kirkpatricks faced, and the importance of faith that prevails above all else.

For more details and to order a copy, please click here.

Read 2767 times Last modified on Sunday, 01 April 2018 23:29