HOPEww Offers Scholarships for Service Programs

Monday, 05 March 2018 14:39

Do not let finances stop you from applying to a HOPE Youth Corps or an international volunteer corps! We are offering generous scholarships to teens, students, and families that want to serve together.

hope youth corp scholarshipThe Scholarship Fund Committee takes into high consideration young people from low income families, male participants, first time applicants, outstanding young leaders, or those with special skills that can benefit our programs when awarding scholarships.

This is what one of the 2017 scholarship recipients, Sebastian Buck, from Berlin, Germany, had to say after going on the Cambodia Volunteer Corps this past Christmas:

"The first time I heard of a HOPE Youth Corps was at a New Year's Retreat in Switzerland when I was 15. Madison Stringer shared her experiences in the Philippines, and the idea of going abroad to serve in a third world country immediately intrigued me. The second I got home, I told my parents about my new dream just to be brought back down to earth, since they explained to me that we simply couldn't afford it. 2.5 years later, I attended the ICMC East in North Carolina and went to a workshop on HOPE Youth Corps. During the Q&A portion of the workshop, I asked the naive question "How do you pay for it?", and that´s how I first found out about the scholarship.

One week later, I applied to the HYC scholarship fund. I was so blessed to receive the financial support.

The sense of gratitude I feel towards the people who were generous enough to support me is truly overpowering. You enabled me to finally take a look outside the ivory tower we call the first world, and gifted me one of the most impactful experiences of my life. Seeing actual poverty, being able to teach the children of Phnom Penh, handing out food to HIV-patients, getting to know the amazing disciples there, and visiting the temples.

All of that would not have been possible without your generous support! Akun jann! (Thank you so much!)"

For more information and to apply, click here.

Read 3733 times Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 23:51