MOZHOPE: Lifting Children Out of Poverty in Mozambique

Sunday, 01 April 2018 00:11

MOZHOPE, a part of HOPE worldwide, helps the poorest of the poor in Maputo, Mozambique. Mozambique is a young nation. The saying that children are the future is quite literally true in Mozambique. Nearly half the country's population is under 14 years of age. This video tells the story of MOZ HOPE and the needs of the poor in Mozambique.

More than half of these children live in crippling poverty. One fourth of Mozambique's two million orphans have lost their parents due to the persistent HIV/AIDS pandemic. Orphans are less likely to attend school. Many orphaned children end up in the streets of major cities, where criminal activities, drug abuse and commercial sex work become part of their everyday life.

MOZHOPE supports over 4,000 orphans by delivering Early Childhood Development (ECD). ECD refers to the physical, cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional development of a child from the prenatal stage up to age six. The HOPE worldwide ECD program has proven to be exceedingly effective. Providing parents and caregivers with young children with the knowledge, skills, support and services to give their children the best possible start in life. By investing in this narrow window for critical brain development, we are giving them the ability to not only survive, but also thrive.

mozhopeA recent study reports that a dollar invested in early childhood is three times more cost effective than one invested in school age children and eight times more cost effective than one invested in adult education.

It takes about $50 per month to provide a child with the five essential elements: Education, Clothing, Nutrition, Health and Family Empowerment. 

There are several ways you can help us lift more children out of poverty.

Consider giving a recurring monthly amount to support one or more children. Or organize a fundraising effort in your community, church or organization using the videos and information included here

There will also be opportunities for you to join us on a trip to Mozambique. We'll be posting updates and information for upcoming trips, so make sure to sign up for those.

Finally you can spread the word, share our news and video on social media and otherwise using the hashtag #mozhope.

For more information and to sign up for updates, visit  

Read 3297 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 April 2018 22:47